Baja, Ensenada Blanca Area.

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I went fishing and caught a small number of spotted bay bass and one "grunt".
I tried to emulate the grimace on the face of this fish skull.

These pictures were actually taken at night! Bob set up a camera on a tripod and left the lens open for hours through the middle of the night. The stars left trails and the moon eventually supplied enough light to make the pictures look like daytime!
The water was full of these gelatinous strings. We assumed that they were the egg sacks of some animal..

Camping on the shore of the sea of Cortez was an interesting experience. We paddled in 60 degree (F) water all day and were cool and comfortable. Then we landed and found ourself in a bone dry dessert, complete with rattlesnakes and scorpions. I found this to be an advantage compared to camping in wetter climates. In Baja your tent can be rolled up in the morning without needing to dry it out first!

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Mike Higgins /